Bungalows Sonnenhang ...where you feel good


Bungalows Sonnenhang
Family Dr. Michael Archer

Unternarrach 28
9122 St. Kanzian
Carinthia / Austria

Telephone: +43 664 4066111
SIP: 43720515953
Skype: bungalows-sonnenhang
Email: familie@archer.at
Web: www.bungalows-sonnenhang.at


GPS-coordinates of our location

46° 35' 21.0" N = 46.58917° N
14° 33' 49.2" O = 14.56367° O

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 Arrival by car

from Eastern Austria:

Motorway (A2) to exit Völkermarkt-Ost – pass through Völkermarkt direction St. Kanzian am Klopeinersee (ca. 8 km) – drive on state road L121 direction St. Primus and turn right before campsite Breznik at the information sign „Physiotherapiepraxis“ und “Bungalows Sonnenhang“ into the dead end street. After ca. 300 metres you will be at the “Bungalows Sonnenhang“.

from Germany and Western Austria:

Motorway (A10) to exit Grafenstein – drive on main road B70 direction Völkermarkt. After ca. 7 km turn into state road L115 direction St. Kanzian am Klopeinersee – drive on state road L121 direction St. Primus and turn right before campsite Breznik at the information sign „Physiotherapiepraxis“ und “Bungalows Sonnenhang“ into the dead end street. After ca. 300 metres you will be at the “Bungalows Sonnenhang“.

Anreise zu den Bungalows Sonnenhang mit dem Auto

Anreise zu den Bungalows Sonnenhang mit dem Auto

 Arrival by train

Nearest station is Völkermarkt-Kühnsdorf (8 km).

 Arrival by plane

Tha nearest airports are Klagenfurt (30 km) und Laibach/Ljublijana in Slovenia (ca. 80 km).